Kia Ora Koutou. We would like to announce the following players who will represent Aotearoa Maori Bowls at the Oceania Bowls Challenge in April. Unfortunately only 5 wahine & 5 tane can be selected. Condolences to those who miss selection this time thank you all for your nominations.
Wahine: Lisa White Whanganui-a-Tara, Natarsha Grimshaw Kahungunu, Gaylene Kanawa Tainui, Mina Paul Waiariki, Karen Hema Tamaki
Tane: Raika Gregory Tainui, Michael Staite Waiariki, Hamish Kape Taranaki, Nathan Goodin Taranaki, Kaylin Huwyler Whanganui
Congratulaions to you all on your selection
Article added: Wednesday 22 February 2023